Posts Tagged With: 3Ps

missing mummies

It’s been a curious sort of evening. Suddenly in the last week or so every one has moved on in confidence and all the kittens (other than the most recent arrivals) are purring, some of them more or less non stop. Fidget and Flipper want picking up all the time and now love to sit on my knee and snuggle. Dizzy and Dunlop haven’t quite got that far yet but enjoy being stroked and seem to prefer to be in the room I’m in rather than keep out the way. Cookie has always purred his way through everything – including his trip to the vet and vaccinations, and surprisingly managed to not miss a prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr even when he was micro chipped. Little Gizmo is so obviously the baby of the group and isn’t quite up to speed with their crazy games. He loves his cuddles though and has done his best to fit in and cope with his mummy leaving on Wednesday.

dunlop and dizzy


Anyway, we were all in the 3P’s room (that’s the new people – Pirelli following the current theme of tyre brands for black cats, Pumpkin and Panda). The 3Ps hissing less and ok to chat through the bars to the other kits and play with toys. And then suddenly Pirelli was laying on the fleece and put his head down to it, and his siblings followed suit. It put me in mind of the call to prayer – all three of them on their mat, heads down to the mat, arms out in front. I couldn’t work out what was going on at first and then heard the sound of sucking. All three of them podding away at the fleece, purring and sucking.

It obviously set off some feeling in little Gizmo because he ran up to Cookie – who has been mothering him since he arrived – and started rooting for a nipple. Cookie, bless him, looked pretty confused at first but he played his part well, cuddling Giz and letting him suck, and even washing him whilst he did it.

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