high anxiety …………. settling

It’s not been the easiest few days around here.

Smudge went off to her new home accompanied with large sighs of relief.  Like with Duke, I did my best, but a cat who hates cats just ain’t really going to be happy around here.  I was thinking we’d have a bit of a break, the skittles could move into Smudge’s bedroom and Honey / Amber could have a room to themselves.  It didn’t quite work out that way.  Alfie arrived a couple of hours after Smudge left.  Just enough time for Biff to do a RyanAir kind of turn around of the room.

alfie - trying to fold a rather large furry body into a bed a little too small

Then we descended into chaos.  The kittens, possibly with the aid of Honey though no one is admitting anything, managed to tip over the floor to ceiling scratch post.  Sooty had another of his sicky phases and set out on a mission to vomit in ever room of the house …. at least twice.  Smudge found it hard to settle in her new home and emailed me saying she was thinking of coming home and could I pick her up at the weekend.  Meanwhile Alfie was feeling confused and out of sorts having landed here after the trauma of his human dying.


And then Obi discovered he could jump onto the tops of doors and started practising around the house.  It opened up a whole new world to him as he realised he had access to the tops of kitchen cabinets (much to mog’s horror) and the top of the book shelves where the xmas furry lights ended up in the hope it would be a safe space.   Amara, being the girl and rather brighter than her brother, discovered the joy of playing around with the door and swinging it too and fro as poor Obs tried to balance up there.

obi - made his way up to the top of the book shelves

Biff and I have been out to visit Smudge this afternoon.  Thankfully she’s realised that she’s considerably better off in her new home than here.  When we got up to leave she legged it up her new stairs and out of the way.  She’s determined now that she’s not going to be coming back.  Molliedog’s daddy came over yesterday and helped make the scratch post a little more stable.  Honey and Amber’s mummy is feeling better and hopefully they will be able to go home soon.  And now Alfie seems to be feeling a little better.  He’s been teaching the skittles a few hunting techniques and having a big cat snuggle on my lap.

how to get down again ............ ?

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