More ups than downs …. just

It’s been a bit of a tough week with rescue politics and various crap. However there’s some good news.

Rocky is settling well into his new home. He loves his new humans and is having a very purry time. It was lovely to see the humans so excited about the new member of their family. This is one young man who has dropped on his feet.

playing with his new toys

playing with his new toys

chilling in the humans' bed

chilling in the humans’ bed

The other good news is that the people I found who could get me onto the allotment to see to Mog are just lovely. Despite the allotments covering a huge area, their plot turns out to be one row away from where Mog hangs out, and their lovely dogs came from the same rescue that Mog did! How small a world is that?! Not only do I feel like I’ve found a way forward with Mog, I feel like I’ve made some new friends. I was able to feed Mog this evening, and put some Stronghold on her.

mog allot2

Have to say … the allotment holders have been lovely … lots of people concerned about Mog and willing to take my phone number in case they spot her and she’s not ok.

If that’s not enough good news and co incidence for now, I took a ginger stray to be neutered this morning. He’d been hanging out by Meers Cattery, Friends of Ferals got a neutering voucher from the RSPCA and I took him up to Peak Vet for his op. I’m pretty certain its Tom the ginger who hung out around my house for a while, and was hanging around Biff’s house a couple of years ago. He’s the most gorgeous ginger boy. Watch this space for more pics of him:


Categories: diary | 2 Comments

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2 thoughts on “More ups than downs …. just

  1. maggie skinner

    Glad to see your week is ending on a bit of a high. Are the lovely dogs from Rain Rescue? If so, like you say, what a coincidence. I would love to know who the dogs are. Nice story. Mog is such a lovely cat, too.

  2. Really nice story I just loved it.
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